[V] Verschiedene Sachen

  • 1x Pentium 4 2,6 GHz, FSB 100 (übertaktbar bis 3,3 gigs)
    1x Asus P4G8X Deluxe
    1x 512 MB PC2700 DDR RAM von Kingston
    1x 256 MB SD RAM Kingston
    1x Twinplex ATI (neu) mit geraden Plug & Cool Anschlüssen
    1x Schwarze Fliessanzeige *VERKAUFT*
    1x Matrox Millenium G200
    1x Innovatek Plexi ausgleichsbehälter
    1x Intel Pro100 Netzwerkkarte

    My Sys: P4 2.8 GHz @ 3500(atm); Abit IC7-MAX3; 1024 MB Corsair TwinX PC3700; Radeon 9800Pro; Soundblaster Audigy; 2x 120 GB SATA Seagate Baracuda V (stripped)

  • 20.- inkl

    und sorry noch das die antwort solange auf sich warten liess, hatte etwas stresse gehabt..

    My Sys: P4 2.8 GHz @ 3500(atm); Abit IC7-MAX3; 1024 MB Corsair TwinX PC3700; Radeon 9800Pro; Soundblaster Audigy; 2x 120 GB SATA Seagate Baracuda V (stripped)

  • Was ist das genau fürne Fliessanzeige?

    In Lyss gibts nen neuen Club ==> http://www.opposition-lyss.ch

    "Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary... That's what gets you. "- JEREMY CLARKSON!

    ''She said she wanted to fulfill every single one of my fantasies. I made a list. Had to type it myself. My assistant threatened to quit.'' - DENNY CRANE!

  • diese:

    einfach ist das rad logischerweise schwarz und nicht rot

    My Sys: P4 2.8 GHz @ 3500(atm); Abit IC7-MAX3; 1024 MB Corsair TwinX PC3700; Radeon 9800Pro; Soundblaster Audigy; 2x 120 GB SATA Seagate Baracuda V (stripped)

  • wieviel willste dafür?

    In Lyss gibts nen neuen Club ==> http://www.opposition-lyss.ch

    "Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary... That's what gets you. "- JEREMY CLARKSON!

    ''She said she wanted to fulfill every single one of my fantasies. I made a list. Had to type it myself. My assistant threatened to quit.'' - DENNY CRANE!

  • hmm, 15 inkl. ??

    My Sys: P4 2.8 GHz @ 3500(atm); Abit IC7-MAX3; 1024 MB Corsair TwinX PC3700; Radeon 9800Pro; Soundblaster Audigy; 2x 120 GB SATA Seagate Baracuda V (stripped)

  • Is gebongt.

    Aber ich geh am Fr morgen in die Ferien, hmm... wie willst Du die bezahlung? EZ? Soll ich Dir das Geld schicken?

    In Lyss gibts nen neuen Club ==> http://www.opposition-lyss.ch

    "Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary... That's what gets you. "- JEREMY CLARKSON!

    ''She said she wanted to fulfill every single one of my fantasies. I made a list. Had to type it myself. My assistant threatened to quit.'' - DENNY CRANE!

  • naja, ich dachte ich lege dir einfach nen einzahlungsschein bei, ist dir das recht??

    My Sys: P4 2.8 GHz @ 3500(atm); Abit IC7-MAX3; 1024 MB Corsair TwinX PC3700; Radeon 9800Pro; Soundblaster Audigy; 2x 120 GB SATA Seagate Baracuda V (stripped)

  • Jup, ist OK.

    Einfach ab Fr morgen bin ich 2 Wochen in den Ferien.

    Vielen Dank

    EDIT: You've got PN

    In Lyss gibts nen neuen Club ==> http://www.opposition-lyss.ch

    "Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary... That's what gets you. "- JEREMY CLARKSON!

    ''She said she wanted to fulfill every single one of my fantasies. I made a list. Had to type it myself. My assistant threatened to quit.'' - DENNY CRANE!

  • Bin am AB interessiert!!!

    DFI Lanparty UT nF4 Ultra-D, Opteron 144@3ghz (testing), 2*512mB Twinmos Speed Premium PC 433 BH-5@250 2-2-2-2-1 3,5v, 120 Gb IBM , 250 Gb wD,2x80Gb Raid0,Sapphire X1800GTO@16pipes@testing,Creative X-FI xTremE GameR, Lian Li PC-60, Tagan TG 580-U22, mX 518, aQuaEro
    neXxos hP pr0, aQuasTreaM, aiRpleX eVo 360, 1a co0Ling vGa, aQuaTube
    NeW CasE MoD is Comm!nG ;>

  • 20 FR inkl. ok??
    ist sogut wie neu, war nur ca. 3 tage im einsatz.
    aber ich muss dich warnen es ist schwer damit die luft ausm kreislauf zu bringen..

    hier noch n pic für dich:

    My Sys: P4 2.8 GHz @ 3500(atm); Abit IC7-MAX3; 1024 MB Corsair TwinX PC3700; Radeon 9800Pro; Soundblaster Audigy; 2x 120 GB SATA Seagate Baracuda V (stripped)