Wieviele Forum-User braucht man um eine Glühbirne zu wechseln?

  • Zitat

    Original von DaZnoopee
    [quote][iOriginal von Darkcore[/i]
    Ach jungs man darf doch als mensch doch noch Fehler machen.
    Vorallem bei nur 6 h schlaf. oder?[/quote
    ÄHM also ich finde 6 stunden schule sind doch wirklich genug :roll

    Da sollte wohl auch einer etwas mehr schlafen....

    In Lyss gibts nen neuen Club ==> http://www.opposition-lyss.ch

    "Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary... That's what gets you. "- JEREMY CLARKSON!

    ''She said she wanted to fulfill every single one of my fantasies. I made a list. Had to type it myself. My assistant threatened to quit.'' - DENNY CRANE!

  • das ist sinnlos X( :P

    PC: P2 350, Asus Intel 440BX, ATI RAGE Pro 8mb + Diamond Monster 3D II X200 12mb, WD 6.4 GB , 128 mb Ram, Toshiba 36fach, Logitech MX500 (Fanta-getestet)
    Monitor: Compaq S700
    Sound: Logitech Z-560 (rockt wie die sau !), Creative MegaWorks 550


  • Na um 0717 war noch zu früh, um solche Sätze zu verstehn.... :D

    In Lyss gibts nen neuen Club ==> http://www.opposition-lyss.ch

    "Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary... That's what gets you. "- JEREMY CLARKSON!

    ''She said she wanted to fulfill every single one of my fantasies. I made a list. Had to type it myself. My assistant threatened to quit.'' - DENNY CRANE!