Hey leute!
wer besitzer eines VM-101 von Aero cool ist oder einer werden will kann nun seine GF6 Graka offiziell bestätigt passiv kühlen! In der Spec steht zwar das sie für GF FX und Radeon 9800 Kompatibel ist, aber ich hab nachgefragt und folgendes Mail erhalten:
ZitatAlles anzeigenHi Balthazzar,
Thank you for your interest in our VM-101 cooler. :))
Yes, it will support the GeForce 6800GT. However, please make sure your case
has good air flow inside. The VM-101 is a fanless cooler so it needs good
air flow inside the chassis to dissipate the heat away.
Thank you and have a great weekend !! :))
Best Regards,
Tony Lin
Aerocool Advanced Technology
Tel: (02) 8698 1088
Fax : (02) 8698 1082
----- Original Message -----
From: "Balthazzar"
To: <sales@aerocool.com.tw>
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 5:16 PM
Subject: VM-101 VS GeForce 6800GT
> Hello,
> I'm not quite sure if i got the right e-mail adress and me english isn't
> that good neighter. But I've got a question about one of your products:
> Can I use a VM-101 on a GeForce 6800 GT? I'm asking because a GF6800
> produces ~55W of heat when it's working. And in the specification of the
> VM-101 is written, that it can dissipate more than 70W so it shoudn't be a
> problem, does it?
> thanks for your information!
> Balthazzar
> _________________________________________________________________
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