Remotesystem Firma-Kunde

  • IMHO ist der Router 1.1 doch dafür da, dass er die Requests an 1.24 vom Client 2.1 weiterleitet...

    Ne, da stimmt was mit dem Kistchen auf 1.1 nicht...
    Oder (Windows)firewall ist noch aktiv auf 1.24

    Dr Cox: "I'm fairly sure that if they took all the porn off the Internet, there'd only be 1 website left, and it would be called Bring Back The Porn."

  • b000000n! :D

    In Lyss gibts nen neuen Club ==>

    "Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary... That's what gets you. "- JEREMY CLARKSON!

    ''She said she wanted to fulfill every single one of my fantasies. I made a list. Had to type it myself. My assistant threatened to quit.'' - DENNY CRANE!

  • Windows Firewall ftw!!!!!!!!!!!


    • tescha0sq3lv.gif

    Dr Cox: "I'm fairly sure that if they took all the porn off the Internet, there'd only be 1 website left, and it would be called Bring Back The Porn."