Hilfe--->Where can I buy Opteron 280 system in Zurich?????????

  • Hi!

    are you running yourself a business or are you employed?
    if you're employed or running a business yourself you may not have to pay the swiss VAT or rather get it back at the end of the year - provided you fill out the tax declaration/return the right way ;-)

    That is not really right.
    The Mainboard has 8 dimm Slots and so supports 8 DIMMs.

    BUT... AMD K8 architecture has the memory controller inside the cpu. And the memory controller determines what is supported and what isn't!
    Each Opteron 2xx has 1 Memorycontroller and 2 'core processing units' (or however they're called..).

    The current K8 CPUs unfortunately only supports two doublesided Dimms @ DDR400/PC3200 command rate 2 and four doublesided Dimms @ DDR333/PC2700 command rate 1.

    You could buy 4x1GB today and upgrade with additional 4x1GB later. But then they could only run at DDR333/PC2700 and Command rate 2.

    Id don't know if maya is such an application, but there are applications make good use of memory bandwith, so cutting down from DDR400 to DDR333 wouldn't be that nice ;-)

    So you might think you'd want to go for 2x2GB now. But that again would mean each core only would have 1 dimm what again means that they're running singlechannel. Thus only have of the possible bandwith...

    so you might spend some extra money on 4x2GB now (costs quiet much more - around 1200CHF) - what would be the optimal Solution.

    OR look for SingleSided 1GB Dimms. There are a few Singlesided 1GB Dimms, per Example MDT. To say it straight MDT sucks. And at least there are no 1GB SingleSided Dimms currently available at the swiss normal retail (end user) market...

    thats quiet complicated, isn't it?

    ok the next part is only repetition:


    So the fastest memory that it can support is DDR 400 right?
    If I buy 4x1GB DDR now and then in the future when Maya comes with a 64bit version I can buy another 4x1GB DDR400 RAM. To have total of 8GB.

    it is possible but then they won't run @ DDR400 but rather @ DDR333!


    Was your point that by doing this I won't be able to get to the maximum possible for the Tyan MOBO which is 16GB?



    Was your point that I should get 2x2GB DDR400 sticks now

    You could. But that would leave you with half of the bandwith of 4 Modules.


    so that in the future I can buy 6x2GB DDR400 modules to take the total to the maximum possible for theh MOBO which is 16GB?????

    no... 16GB sound cool ... and a little insane =D (and very expensive!)


    Sorry I am really confused I think you meant something else :gap

    i can understand that. My english's crap so it's just normal that you understood 'crap crap crap woompa crap crap' ;-)


    Marktplatz Bewertung
    Kiste 1: Sloti 800 TB
    Kiste 2: DLT3C @ 2.6GhZ
    Kiste 7 & Kiste 8: PhII 720BE, 8GB ram. 1x mit X25-m II 80GB & 4870, 1x mit indilinx MLC 32GB

    [SIZE=7]Dieser Beitrag, inkl. vorhandenen Anhängen, ist ungeschützt und könnte während der Übermittlung oder nachträglich von 3. verändert werden. Der Absender schliesst deshalb jede Haftung oder rechtliche Verbindlichkeit für elektronisch versandte Nachrichten aus. Weiter ist der Inhalt des Postings frei erfunden, eventuelle Annäherungen an die Realität sind höchstens unbeabsichtigt und zufällig entstanden. Zu all meinen PCs haben mehrere Leute Zugang und nutzen diesen auch.[/SIZE]

  • > Are you running yourself a business or are you employed?

    I am running a business as in one man company and more properly from next year. Not AG or GMBH just self-employed one man design business.
    Btw are you running a business as well? Could do with asking some CH business related questions in the future :applaus

    Yeah getting 16GB even in the future would be insanely expensive. I just said that to understand the point you were making.

    Thanks for the detailed explanation...I understood everything you wrote but it still went slightly over my head. So let me sum it up...you are saying-

    a) Buying 4x2gb sticks is a good thing? Right?
    Problem is that none of the companies including Boxx are giving that option.

    b) So you are saying an ECC DDR400 module won't always run at ECC DDR 400 speed? right?

    By the way your English is very good :applaus I have been in CH 4 years so my German should have been better :droh

    You are in Luzern I guess. I went there for a day trip few months ago...very beautiful city. You work in IT or it's just a hobby?

    Ok I just realized that you are 20 years old :-) cool!
    I just turned 32 hahahahah..old man!

  • Zitat

    Original von mutant
    I am running a business as in one man company and more properly from next year. Not AG or GMBH just self-employed one man design business.
    Btw are you running a business as well? Could do with asking some CH business related questions in the future :applaus

    i ain't running a business. But my dad is. Similar to you, neither an AG nor a GMBH but just a 'Gesellschaft'.

    It is, per law, the situation, that you don't have to pay Swiss VAT for a computer you buy for your business. As far as i understand it, you will get the money back on the end of year or rather after the tax declaration (or probably they will rather subtract the amount from the bill).


    a) Buying 4x2gb sticks is a good thing? Right?

    Yes it is. It's expensive, though...


    Problem is that none of the companies including Boxx are giving that option.

    Yeah that is not so cool... but the question is: Do you really profit from 8GB Ram? How memory-bandwith depending is maya?


    b) So you are saying an ECC DDR400 module won't always run at ECC DDR 400 speed? right?



    By the way your English is very good :applaus I have been in CH 4 years so my German should have been better :droh

    thanks... i hope mine's good enough for FCE ;-)


    You are in Luzern I guess. I went there for a day trip few months ago...very beautiful city.

    i live in Wauwil... but it's not so far from Luzern. I'm at luzern every second day... ;-)


    You work in IT or it's just a hobby?

    For the time beeing i'm 'just' an apprentice. In half a year i'll finish the apprentissage... after that i'll go to the 'Fachhochschule' (technical academy).

    And it is one of my hobbies as well =)


    I just turned 32 hahahahah..old man!

    you aint even half as old as you will become :P ;-)


    EDIT: found a big mistake in my previous post:


    So you might think you'd want to go for 2x2GB now. But that again would mean each core only would have 1 dimm what again means that they're running singlechannel. Thus only deliver half of the possible bandwith...

    inserted half... without that it doesn't make much sense ;-)

    just another 'repetition':

    1CPU + 2x DualSided 1GB Dimm DDR400 = DDR400, Commandrate 1, Dualchannel -> roughly 6400MB/s.

    1CPU + 2x DualSided 2GB Dimm DDR400 = DDR400, Commandrate 1, Dualchannel -> roughly 6400MB/s

    1CPU + 1x Dualsided 2GB Dimm DDR400 = DDR400, Commandrate 1, Singlechannel -> roughly 3200MB/s

    1CPU + 4x Dualsided 1GB DImm DDR400 = DDR333, Commandrate 2, Dualchannel -> roughly 5400MB/s

    1CPU + 4x SingleSided 1GB Dimm DDR400 = DDR400, Commandrate 1, Dualchannel -> roughly 6400MB/s

    Commandrate is not 'THE' thing but still has some effect on performance...


    Marktplatz Bewertung
    Kiste 1: Sloti 800 TB
    Kiste 2: DLT3C @ 2.6GhZ
    Kiste 7 & Kiste 8: PhII 720BE, 8GB ram. 1x mit X25-m II 80GB & 4870, 1x mit indilinx MLC 32GB

    [SIZE=7]Dieser Beitrag, inkl. vorhandenen Anhängen, ist ungeschützt und könnte während der Übermittlung oder nachträglich von 3. verändert werden. Der Absender schliesst deshalb jede Haftung oder rechtliche Verbindlichkeit für elektronisch versandte Nachrichten aus. Weiter ist der Inhalt des Postings frei erfunden, eventuelle Annäherungen an die Realität sind höchstens unbeabsichtigt und zufällig entstanden. Zu all meinen PCs haben mehrere Leute Zugang und nutzen diesen auch.[/SIZE]

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von BLJ ()

  • I asked my friend and he said this-

    Tyan says that the K8WE will support quad rank dimms in each slot on the board at DDR400. It may not work at 1T, but this depends on the version of the Opteron you are using. As a rule, everything from 246 and down will only work at DDR333 speeds with this sort of setup, but some 246 (CG stepping Opterons and up), and all higher Opterons, will be able to run this speed, thanks in part to a tweaked mem controller. To be absolutly sure, I would e-mail Tyan, and ask them about your concerns. Give them the specific model number of your RAM, and the specific stepping (or model/part number, if you dont know) of your CPU. This should give them enough information to tell you what modes will be available to you.

  • Hi,

    i doublechecked it in AMD's whitepapers and forums.amd.com.

    It looks like Revision E CPUs support more than two doublesided / doubleranked memory modules with DDR400 (but CR2, what means -3 to -5% Performance, not so bad). That's really good news ;-)

    Opteron 280 is Stepping E6, so it should (hopefully) not be a problem.


    EDIT: might be that you need the right bios version to run >2 double ranked DIMM (per Core) @ DDR400.
    AFAIK Tyan BIOS' don't allow any 'over'clocking.

    Marktplatz Bewertung
    Kiste 1: Sloti 800 TB
    Kiste 2: DLT3C @ 2.6GhZ
    Kiste 7 & Kiste 8: PhII 720BE, 8GB ram. 1x mit X25-m II 80GB & 4870, 1x mit indilinx MLC 32GB

    [SIZE=7]Dieser Beitrag, inkl. vorhandenen Anhängen, ist ungeschützt und könnte während der Übermittlung oder nachträglich von 3. verändert werden. Der Absender schliesst deshalb jede Haftung oder rechtliche Verbindlichkeit für elektronisch versandte Nachrichten aus. Weiter ist der Inhalt des Postings frei erfunden, eventuelle Annäherungen an die Realität sind höchstens unbeabsichtigt und zufällig entstanden. Zu all meinen PCs haben mehrere Leute Zugang und nutzen diesen auch.[/SIZE]

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von BLJ ()

  • Zitat

    Original von Jerry
    Which configuration did you buy and how does it rules? :D

    push ;)

    Marktplatz Bewertung
    Kiste 1: Sloti 800 TB
    Kiste 2: DLT3C @ 2.6GhZ
    Kiste 7 & Kiste 8: PhII 720BE, 8GB ram. 1x mit X25-m II 80GB & 4870, 1x mit indilinx MLC 32GB

    [SIZE=7]Dieser Beitrag, inkl. vorhandenen Anhängen, ist ungeschützt und könnte während der Übermittlung oder nachträglich von 3. verändert werden. Der Absender schliesst deshalb jede Haftung oder rechtliche Verbindlichkeit für elektronisch versandte Nachrichten aus. Weiter ist der Inhalt des Postings frei erfunden, eventuelle Annäherungen an die Realität sind höchstens unbeabsichtigt und zufällig entstanden. Zu all meinen PCs haben mehrere Leute Zugang und nutzen diesen auch.[/SIZE]

  • Ich glaub der mutant ist soo mit seinem Sys und zusammen basteln beschäftigt dass er gar keine Zeit mehr findet hier im Forum zu posten :D

  • I am back all the way from hell :-)
    I bought the system Opteron 280. I had nothing but trouble with it. The CPU temperature was 75°C when it should not go over 67°C under full load for Opteron 280. Normal should be in 50°C range. I was having lot of other problems like my HDs making clicking noises, crashes, BSOD...etc etc.

    The shop said 75°C is normal for my CPU so I showed them proof from AMD :-)

    After having the sytem for 2 weeks I returned it to the shop as for so much money I expect a well made system. After some argument I managed to get 100% refund.

    Now I will start again but try to build it myself. My 1st attempt to build a PC :rock
    I think I should be able to build it without too much problem. I just don't trust any PC shop anymore. I preffer being incharge of my own destiny :mua

    Anyone from Zurich who knows how to build want to help if I get stuck?

  • Zitat

    Original von mutant
    The shop said 75°C is normal for my CPU so I showed them proof from AMD :-)

    75°C normal for an Opteron 280@load... tztztz they're ill :stupid


    Anyone from Zurich who knows how to build want to help if I get stuck?

    Anyone from the whole forum will ;)

    Good idea to build one yourself :cheers

    "Höchstgeschwindigkeit und Beschleunigung von 0 auf 100 km/h sind interessante statistische Werte - Werte, die Sie allerdings kaum je verwenden werden. Unser Ansatz im Hinblick auf die Leistung basiert auf der täglichen Fahrpraxis. Eine schnelle Beschleunigung beim Überholen mit wenig Gangwechseln ist ein wichtiges Sicherheitsmerkmal. Sofort verfügbare Kraft bedeutet eine grössere Kontrolle. Und mehr Spass. Sie können sich auf die kultivierte Kraft von SAAB verlassen."

  • Zitat

    Original von mutant
    Anyone from Zurich who knows how to build want to help if I get stuck?

    not from zurich but i'm having a Gleis 7, that makes it cheap to travel there... and only an hour from here...

    allways willing to help with such a system =)

    btw.: You did the right thing!

    Marktplatz Bewertung
    Kiste 1: Sloti 800 TB
    Kiste 2: DLT3C @ 2.6GhZ
    Kiste 7 & Kiste 8: PhII 720BE, 8GB ram. 1x mit X25-m II 80GB & 4870, 1x mit indilinx MLC 32GB

    [SIZE=7]Dieser Beitrag, inkl. vorhandenen Anhängen, ist ungeschützt und könnte während der Übermittlung oder nachträglich von 3. verändert werden. Der Absender schliesst deshalb jede Haftung oder rechtliche Verbindlichkeit für elektronisch versandte Nachrichten aus. Weiter ist der Inhalt des Postings frei erfunden, eventuelle Annäherungen an die Realität sind höchstens unbeabsichtigt und zufällig entstanden. Zu all meinen PCs haben mehrere Leute Zugang und nutzen diesen auch.[/SIZE]

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von BLJ ()

  • You should have bought it from here :-)


    Video review of the case-


    Nice case you have but I am in love with the TJ07 ;-) Where in CH do you live?

    Btw Brack don't have the case yet. Hopefully soon though.