
  • bekomme seit kurzem folgende Fehlermeldung, wenn ich versuche, auch den FTP eines Kollegen zuzugreifen:

    530 User Lorward access denied. Use secure access

    what's that? Benutze Fillezilla (resp. FlashFXP), WinXP Prof, ADSL...

  • Question/Problem: Every time I try to connect I get this message:
    530 Logon Failure. Quitting.

    Answer/Solution: 530 errors come from the ftp server, not from WS_FTP. The server is not recognizing or accepting your username and password.

    Please contact the Host Administrator of the FTP Server that you are trying to connect to for further assistance.

    I survived RS.COM downtime 01/2008, and all I got was this lousy Signature