It's me, Mario ähhh Mr. Anderson
Beiträge von drifter
Original von Schnitzel
Pusterla in Zürich Altstettenda findest du einfach alles
Pusterla befindet sich im Krieis 4, ca. 30 Meter von der Langstrasse entfernt.Gruss
Ein Klassiker kehrt zurück:…&pb_id=1&prod_num=SL-6602Geändert wurde lediglich der USB Anschluss.
Musste mir gleich so ein Teil bestrellen, so kann man die guten alten Amiga Games endlich wieder richtig spielen. -
Viel Spass beim ausprobieren -
Unter "Netzwerksicherheit" solltest Du festlegen können ob eine Software rein oder raus darf (Vertraut und Internet beachten). Sollte zusätzlich was (spezielles) geblockt oder auch zugelassen werden, unter "Netzwerksicherheit" auf "Paketfilter" klicken. Dort kann man exakte Regeln erstellen. Wenn Du mehrere Regeln für ein Programm erstellen musst... die Regel die unter "Paketfilter" weiter oben steht, wird zuerst befolgt.
ähhhm *grins*...
Vielen Dank für die Info, ich liebe den FirefoxDie Bookmarks liegen hier:
C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Username\Anwendungsdaten\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\
Diese sollten bei einer Neuinstallation eigentlich nicht überschrieben werden.
Ich überschreibe schon länger, hatte bislang noch keine Probleme (ich nutze jedoch das ZIP File, nicht den Installer)Gruss
Ein kleines, feines Tool ist jetzt für den privaten Gebrauch Freeware geworden... NTFS4DOS
Das Pfeilchen ist hier versteckt:
In der Registry unter HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / lnkfile
den Schlüssel IsShortcut löschen(wird nach einem Neustart aktiv)
Activision have released a new retail patch for DOOM 3, updating id Software's horror first-person shooter sequel to version 1.1. This non-beta release addresses a wide variety of issues with stability, interface, networking / multiplayer, rendering, localization and more (including one new single-player fix compared to the beta patch), as detailed in the accompanying release notes.============================
Doom3(TM) 1.1 Update README
============================Last updated 9-15-2004
Please note that in-game console commands are also not supported by Activision.
This update for Doom 3 addresses issues found in multiplayer and single player since release. A complete list of what we've fixed and added is below. For future releases and more information about the game, please visit our web site:
For additional technical help with Doom 3, please see the Help system that came with the game, or visit our web site:
====================- It is recommended that any user modifications that have been installed to the Doom3 directory be removed before installing this update. These modifications are not supported by Activision and may not be compatible with some of the new features that are included.
===================================- Using this update will reset your progress in whatever map you are currently saved in. When loading a saved game, the player starts at the begining of that map with their inventory intact.
- Using this update will reset the Nightmare skill setting. If you are playing in Nightmare mode before applying the 1.1 update, you will need to re-enable it in the console (g_nightmare 1)
- Also included in this update is a Win32 dedicated server executable. This allows servers to be run under Win32 without a CD Check. You can launch this with command line options or configure it through the console once launched. Just launch "Doom3Ded.exe".Fixes & Updates in 1.1:
- Querying a cvar (typing name with no value on the console) now also prints out help text
- Updated some cvar docsSTABILITY
- Fixed desktop crash when loading a QuickSave made when during influence in EPD Lab in Alphalabs 1
- Fixed game freezing if in-game MP menu is opened just after a change map vote Passes and just before the map changes.
- Fixed duplicate player names shutting down a server during map changesINTERFACE
- Fixed scrolling lists with arrow keys while holding control crashing game
- Added toggle functionality to movement commands (i.e. toggle crouch as opposed to holding the button down)
- Added in_togglecrouch, in_togglerun, & in_togglezoom
- Added dialog to multiplayer video settings menu telling user that changes require exiting game before they'll take effect
- Fixed remote password field only displaying 3-4 characters at a time.
- Fixed g_voteFlags so that spectator and nextmap could be individually toggled
- Made print screen bindable.
- Made Alt-Gr (right alt) bindable separately for European versions. For english versions, right alt and left alt both bind as "alt" so that US users who currently have something bound to right alt don't have their config affected by the update.
- Added mouse wheel scrolling to server list (gui list boxes).SINGLE PLAYER
- Fixed issue when switching between flashlight and previous weapon after using the PDA.NETWORKING/MULTIPLAYER
- Bumped damage up on rocket jumping in multiplayer
- Decreased damage from chaingun to 25 in multiplayer
- Exploding barrels to full damage to attacker in multiplayer
- Increased height for falling damage in multiplayer
- Made g_fov modifiable in mutiplayer from 90 to 110
- Changed server protocol version from 1.33 to 1.34
- Changed idEntity::SetName to allow entities to be named after startup during network games
- Changed idClass::PostEventArgs to allow script threads to post events during network games
- Changed net_allowCheats to allow cheat commands during network games
- Fixed projectile launched from wrong position when player exits teleporter while holding fire
- Fixed rocket launcher dealing no splash damage to player at certain angle in Edge 2
- Fixed light from flashlight remaining after player is killed.
- Fixed frags going negative when over 64. Maxfrags now at 100.
- Fixed -1/1 ammo count while dropping weapon in multiplayer
- Fixed no rockets in view-model rocket launcher when first picked up
- Exploding barrels now give credit for kills to the player who damaged the barrel in multiplayer
- Fixed chaingun flickering on/off when spectating another player in Tourney
- Fixed no "You lose" message being played for loser in Last Man Standing.
- Added join messages when players join an MP game.
- Fixed players stuck spectating when no spectators vote is passed.
- Added chat and connection interrupted icons
- Fixed Frag Chamber doors killing player if they're moving towards them just as they open (kill trigger was turned off too late in the script).
- Added build for a dedicated server executable (DooM3Ded.exe) on Win32.
- Fixed problems with server list:
- wrong server being joined when sorting
- wrong server being joined when filtering
- server list not being sorted initially by ping.
- Chat text no longer converts high-ASCII chars to periods
- Fixed problem with players logging on and being stuck in spectator mode, yet not really spectating
- Fixed Incorrect scoring information appears on scoreboard
- Fixed backpack secret exploit on d3dm5 "Lights Out"
- Added chat/lag icons
- Elevators now return to their home position even if someone is standing on themRENDERING
- r_aspectRatio now uses 0, 1, or 2 (4:3, 16:9, 16:10)
- Fixed in-game videos disappearing if you go to the menu and return
- Fixed inconsistent worldview of players exiting teleporter.SOUNDS
- Fixed weapon sounds always playing the first sound in a sound shader instead of randomly picking one.
- Fixed bullet ricochet sound when punching glass.LOCALIZATION
- Localized key names in bind menus
- Localized multiplayer text
* warmup text
* spectator text
- "QuickSave" name in save / load menu is now localized
- Fixed key binding issues with European (Italian, French, Spanish) keyboards
* all keys should be bindable now
* this includes modifying scan tables
- Fixed pickup items not being localized. Not fixed in MP, as this would require including the .map files in the update. Any user maps created with update code should have the correct string id required for localization, however.
- Fixed "General Access" not being localized on PDAs.
- Added pure exclusions for all files that were causing pure server connection problems between mixed languages.
- Localized "Press any key..." in binding menus.
- Localized messages that client receives from the server when kicked or the server shuts down.
- Localized "Server Full" message.
- Fixed Huffman encoding in decl manager so all characters have a minimum frequency of one. This allows an optimal bit code length and fixes a memory overrun assert and crash when loading Russian decls.
- Map names in Save / Load menu are now localizable.
- Removed hard coded english text from "Player is ready" message in MP.
- Fixed Italian accented i showing up as ^ and vice versaDownload:…s6/games/doom3/d3_1_1.exe…rs/games/doom3/d3_1_1.exe
http://downloads-3dg.planetmir…rs/games/doom3/d3_1_1.exe…rs/games/doom3/d3_1_1.exe -
George Bush hat einen Herzinfarkt.......und stirbt.
Er kommt in die Hölle, wo der Teufel schon auf ihn wartet: "Ich weiß
jetzt nicht, was ich machen soll", sagt der Teufel. "Du bist zwar
auf meiner Liste, aber ich habe fast keinen Platz für Dich. Ich
habe jedoch drei Leute hier,
nicht ganz so schlecht waren wie Du. Ich werde einen von denen gehen
Du nimmst dann dessen Platz ein."George dachte, das klingt ziemlich gut und war einverstanden.
Der Teufel öffnet den ersten Raum: Darin befindet sich der
Expräsident Richard Nixon in einem riesigen Schwimmbecken voll mit
Wasser. Er Versucht sich mit Schwimmen an der Oberfläche zu halten,
wird aber Immer und immer wieder unter Wasser gezogen. Das ist sein
Schicksal in der Hölle. "Nein!" sagte George. "Das gefällt mir
nicht. Ich bin kein Guter Schwimmer und ich glaube nicht, dass ich
das den ganzen Tag lang machen könnte."Der Teufel öffnet ihm den nächsten Raum: Darin steht Tony Blair mit
einem Vorschlaghammer, inmitten von einem Haufen Steine. Alles was
er tut ist, auf die Steine einzuschlagen, immer und immer wieder.
"Nein, ich habe doch das Problem mit meiner Schulter und da würde
ich ja die ganze Zeit heftige Schmerzen haben, und dann der Lärm;
das ist nichts für mich!" kommentiert George.Der Teufel öffnet die dritte Tür: Hier drinnen liegt Bill Clinton
rücklings auf einem weichen Bett. Er hat seine Arme bequem hinter
dem Kopf gekreuzt, und ist unbekleidet. Zwischen seinen Beinen
kniet Monika Lewinsky und tut ihr Bestes! George Bush schaut sich
die Szene eine Weile etwas
ungläubig an und sagt dann mit glänzenden Augen: "Ja, das ist genau
richtige für mich."Der Teufel lächelt und sagt "Okay Monika, Du kannst jetzt gehen!"
CDex sollte das können.
Ist freeware (und opensource).ZitatNext step after getting the zip file is to unzip it to a certain folder and it's now ready. Lauch the program. Press F4 (or select "Settings" from "Option" menu) to adjust some settings. In tab "General", it's good to do normalization, i.e to adjust the volume of the music automatically, so check the "Normalize" checkbox. Verify also the Output Directories settings. In tab "Encoder", there's a selection of several supported encoders. Choosing BladeEnc or Lame will be just fine. Don't forget to select a new bitrate since the encoder is meant to be used to reduce MP3 bitrate.
From the main interface, click "MPEG to WAV" button, select the file, the wait while it is decoding the file to WAV format. After finished, click another button, this time "WAV to MPEG", pick a new WAV file that has just been created, then CDex will encode a new MP3 file, this time with the bitrate as specified in the Setting menu. Pretty simple, isn't it
cool, danke für die Info!
Vorsicht, Doom III ist ungesund...
Original von MiBfinity
Was bist Du? Ich bin L FLAB STINGER...
M Flab (35mm)
Nun, mir reicht jeweils mein alljährlicher WK ( :(), bei der Fliegerabwehr sieht und hört man (bei schönem Wetter) auch andauernd Flieger.
Die Melodie kommt in Alpha (ext) von Vangelis vor. Ob es auch noch andere Lieder gibt, weiss ich nicht.
Das Sicherheitscenter nervt tatsächlich etwas (sieht bei mir z.B. keine Firewall, obwohl da eine Soft- und eine Hardware Firewall ist), deshalb habe ich den Dienst einfach deaktiviert. Ansonsten bin ich mit dem SP2 soweit zufrieden.