Nick von Armitage

  • Hmmm gibts nicht ein manga film der Armitage heisst?

    Intel i7 3400 // Gigabite // 4x4096MB OCZ PC1600// EAH5850 1024mb //120GB Corsair SSD // 1x2TB WD Green SATA //

  • der Vize Aussenminister der USA heisst auch so... :)

    Dr Cox: "I'm fairly sure that if they took all the porn off the Internet, there'd only be 1 website left, and it would be called Bring Back The Porn."

  • hm es gibt mehr solche Mangas als die die um Kinderzeit im Fernseher läfen :D

    1. Money cannot buy happiness but its more comfortable to cry in a Audi than on a bicycle.
    2. Forgive your enemy but remember the bastards name.
    3. Help someone when they are in trouble and they will remember you when they're in trouble again.
    4. Many people are alive only because it's illegal to shoot them.
    5. Alcohol does not solve any problems but then again, neither does milk.

  • lol weiss nich ich frag mal den Kumpel *ggggg* *wishwishredlight*

    1. Money cannot buy happiness but its more comfortable to cry in a Audi than on a bicycle.
    2. Forgive your enemy but remember the bastards name.
    3. Help someone when they are in trouble and they will remember you when they're in trouble again.
    4. Many people are alive only because it's illegal to shoot them.
    5. Alcohol does not solve any problems but then again, neither does milk.

  • Xoood: hab ich mich auch gefragt, als ich das gestern sah... :)

    Neee, der Nick kommt, wie Kaioken richtig analysierte, von besagtem Manga, bzw. Anime (hatte ne eeeeewigkeit Armitage ]I[ Poster an der Wand hängen).

    EIne Ständerlampe ist eine Stehlampe und keine Genitalbeleuchtung.