hallo, frende der genialen ati karte!
ein paar infos, wie ihr unreal tournament 2003 besser machen könnt...
TRUFORM™ and UT2003
A little FAQ from ATI first:
Q: Can TRUFORM™ work on existing games?
A: Yes. However, TRUFORM™ is a feature that must be implemented in the game by the developer. This is not a big task, since the character models and scenery designed in existing games do not have to be modified. TRUFORM™ supports the triangle primitives that are used by virtually every game developer. One can expect software developers to make patches available for download that would enable TRUFORM™ in their product.
TRUFORM™, a new technology developed by ATI, overcomes traditional memory and bandwidth problems to deliver the smoothest and most realistic images ever seen on a PC.
If you have a current Radeon card you can enable TRUFORM™.
Open your UT2003.INI file and edit the following:
TesselationFactor=1.000000 (change it to 2 or higher)
UseNPatches=False (change it to True)