Hilfe--->Where can I buy Opteron 280 system in Zurich?????????

  • hi mutant

    actually i think it's quite hard to find any opteron on the retail market at the moment. the 280 i never saw in switzerland anyway... :(

    here you have a good overview of the currently buyable opteron cpus: http://www.toppreise.ch/grp3_933.html

    also the mainboard is nearly impossible to find in switzerland... unfortunately i have no idea where to look for it... you have to be very lucky, when you want to find one in zurich...

    maybe the best thing would be to buy the parts seperatly (possibly in germany) and let one of us build your system. but since you're new here, i don't think you would trust enough anyone from here...

    or else you could ask transtec if they would build you a custom machine...


    "Computer games don't affect kids, I mean if Pacman affected us as kids, we'd all run around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music."

    Kristian Wilson

  • Hi

    I know one Shop in Zürich, the Digitec. Another in the proximity at Dietikon the Stegpc. Both with with large assortment and selection.

    I don't think that the Opteron 280 Italy Socket 940 is available in Switzerland. What do you want do with your new Workstation? 3D Character Designing? Perhabs a AMD X2 Dualcore CPU will be better? ;-)

    Greetings from Bern

  • Ganto thanks for the reply. Yes I asked Transtech if they would build it using a good tower case instead of the tiny crap case they use. They said that they cannot as everything is factory tested bla bla bla.

    You know if I am going to spend CHF 6-7000 I would like all th eparts to be good not some crappy stuff they put to increase their profit margin. I wish I could buy BOXX technologys PCs in CH!

    CH is too small :mua

  • Thanks Jerry. Yes I was counting on Digitec for last 9 days for a quote. On the phone they said that it will be ok but then they e-mailed me finally few hours ago-

    Unfortunately we don’t have any supplier from whom we could order different parts you asked for."

    Yes I guess if I can't solve the problem then I would have to get a X2 4800 machine :schimpf

  • Btw I found this company and they seem to build kick ass Opteron machines. I am not sure if they would make one for a single customer like me. Plus their website has no info on price or what parts they usec. A guy from their company will phone me tomorrow so we shall see. I am not hopefull though.


    Jerry the problem with X2 4800 etc system is that the motherboards for it don't support too much RAM. I use Maya and the Opteron MOBOs can use 4GB under Win64. Plus when MAya 64 bit comes out I can bump it up even more on Opteron MOBO's.

  • If you really interested in BOXX Stuff. Nearest reseller is located in good old Germany. Then think about Support in Future (-)

    Alias Qualified List, WS from different Companies, also available in Switzerland.

    Community to maya referred, also hw. Perhaps the Community there can help better concerning 3D Hardware configuration.

    List with Opteron Reviews. Opteron scales mostly better than Xeon :D

    The Tyan Thunder K8WE ist available in Germany.

    I would plan a self-build a system. That saves money and the components can be selected individually, depending after own need. With recommondation a scsi based sys, because Sata Interface will be the bottle neck, slower data processing, in a cpu/ram/graphic high end ws. Then think also about data loss, 2 storage disks in raid 1(+). In this german review they bench with Maya 6 and it performes very well with Nvidia Quadro FX. Only my opinion without guarantee ;-)

  • Hi there,
    the today fastest available Opteron 2xx in Switzerland is the 275.
    With 1600.- SFr it is not a cheap part, 2 of them cost 3200.
    looking for prices in germany, two Opteorn 280 would cost about 4500CHF and beeing 9% faster. This means 1300CHF extra expenses.

    Even though it is , for a normal User, a extremely high surcharge on the original price it might be lucrative for you - your system will cost about 10'000 SFr or more anyway.

    There's something i miss in your configuration:
    Since your machine's that expensive, your work must be quiet valuable, as well ;-) - What about data backups?

    i would recommend a Raid-1 Array or a Raid-5 Array.

    If you go for a Raid-5 Array consider that most of them have quiet a bad write performance. Areca SATAII Controllers (PCIe) would be a very good choice for a Raid 5 or Raid 6 Controller.

    I'm not so sure how significant HDD-Performance on your specific application is. But for CAD it's very useful - CAD Applications normally have a large Database of Objects and often need to access them.

    Thus i would recommend a SCSI or a SATA(2) Raid 1 array.
    -> Sata2 is cheaper, a Raid1 Array should be no Problem with the onboard controller. The Access Time of SATA & PATA Disks is much longer than that of SCSI disks (About 14ms compared to 5-8ms).
    -> In term of SCSI, you had to look for a good SCSI Controller, NOT connected via PCI, but rather PCI-X oder PCIe (maybe the Tyan has one onboard).

    You might stick with 2 Western Digital Raptor 74GB as Raid1 on NForce SATA Controller and an additional, large Backup disk.

    if the relevant data is larger than 74GB you might buy 4 disks and build a Raid10, that would result in 148GB of diskspace. (+Backup Disk, but the data on the Backup disk should be saved somewhere else or invaluable).

    i think i stop confusing you here ;-) - it would be helpfull if you could tell us how much data you expect to have (&where) etc.


    PS: it might be usefull to contact distributors directly. I'll ask a friend if his distributor could organise two Opteron 280.

    Tyan Thunder K8WE has optional:
    Integrated SCSI Controller (option)
    • LSI 53C1030 U320 SCSI controller
    - Two U320 68-pin SCSI connectors
    - Connected to PCI-X Bridge B

    -> what means it would be an option worth considering it.

    EDIT: There are Kingston DDR400 2GB reg ECC Modules available in Switzerland.
    to stay with dualchannel, you had to use 4 of them. This would mean 8GB Rams of Total but would mean 1050CHF more expensive...

    however, it is not recommended to run more than 2 Doublesided DIMMs per CPU (note: not per core but per Opteron 2xx). There are actually no Singlesided DIMMs with a size larger than 1GB.
    It is also not recommended to use less than 2 DIMMs per CPU because it would leave you with singlechannel what would cut the memory bandwith in half.
    EDIT: Neither Kingston 1GB nor Kingston 2GB DDR400 Modules are on the motherboards compatibility list.
    But there are Apacer 2GB DDr400 MOdules... you might want to contact stegcomputer.ch - they're AFAIR official Apacer Distributor.

    Marktplatz Bewertung
    Kiste 1: Sloti 800 TB
    Kiste 2: DLT3C @ 2.6GhZ
    Kiste 7 & Kiste 8: PhII 720BE, 8GB ram. 1x mit X25-m II 80GB & 4870, 1x mit indilinx MLC 32GB

    [SIZE=7]Dieser Beitrag, inkl. vorhandenen Anhängen, ist ungeschützt und könnte während der Übermittlung oder nachträglich von 3. verändert werden. Der Absender schliesst deshalb jede Haftung oder rechtliche Verbindlichkeit für elektronisch versandte Nachrichten aus. Weiter ist der Inhalt des Postings frei erfunden, eventuelle Annäherungen an die Realität sind höchstens unbeabsichtigt und zufällig entstanden. Zu all meinen PCs haben mehrere Leute Zugang und nutzen diesen auch.[/SIZE]

    4 Mal editiert, zuletzt von BLJ ()

  • Btw I just phoned Boxx reseller in Germany and the guy was very friendly and spoke for ages. The best part of the conversation was that I can configure the PC on BOXX US site and then forward the details to him and pay exact $ to Euro conversion price. Which basically means I would be paying US price for the machine in Switzerland. Sounds good to me as things are lot more expensive in Europe compared to US. Plus I also get free delivery if I decide to go BOxx way.

  • If you buy such an expensive item im Germany don't forget the taxes!

    By importing it to Switzerland you will pay 7% MwSt tax.
    But the german seller should be able to discount the price by the 16% german MwSt tax. But you have to ask him. He probably wouldn't do it by himself.

    A fine is a tax for doing wrong.
    A tax is a fine for doing well.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von 2cool4u ()

  • It's very important for Viewport to take a fast OpenGL graphics board with one of the latest nvidia Quadro chip.

    I don't think that the transtec 2200 is that what you actually want, because the picture shows two 6800 cards. For the low price it can't be Quadros

  • That image is only to show the PC case. I wish it came to CHF 2000.
    There is a configurator and once you add all the parts it comes to around
    CHF 8500+ on the transtec site. The price you see is just the start price with nothing inside LOL ;-)

    Regarding the card- I am getting the GeForce 7800 GTX 512 Mb a very good card for Maya. The quadro is 3 times the price of this card. Most Maya artists use the Geforce cards. So not using a Quadro card is not a problem. I myself have been using a Geforce card with Maya for long time.

    By importing it to Switzerland you will pay 7% MwSt tax.
    But the german seller should be able to discount the price by the 16% german MwSt tax. But you have to ask him. He probably wouldn't do it by himself..

    I understand the 7% MwSt for CH part but I did not understand the 16% part. Can you please explain?

  • HI.

    If you purchase anything from Germany you will have to pay the VAT of switzerland but NOT the VAT of Germany.

    VAT @ Germany = 16%
    VAT @ Switzerland = 7.6%

    so, the seller can subtract the VAT and sell it to you for a price without VAT, then send it to you, @ broder Swiss customs & duty will take your parcel out and check it for anything illegal (drugs and so on) and if it's all right. Then they will send the parcel to you -> you'll have to pay swiss VAT on arrival OR they will send you an invoice later.

    It might be that the seller doesn't 'want' to subtract German VAT because it's to much work for him or what ever... then you would have to pay 7.6% more than the selling price...

    calculate it this way:
    If the (german/foreign) seller does NOT subtract theyr countries VAT, you'll have to pay 107.6% of that what he tells you.
    If the (german) seller DOES subtract german VAT, you'll have to pay ~92.8% of what he tells you.

    i hope you understand what i wanted to say. I know, it's written in a very chaotic way and my english is ugly/bad anyway =D


    Harddisks: It's no problem to buy a Hitachi one. I go for them myself. Either Hitachi or Samsung... Samsung if go for silence primary or Hitachi if you go for performance (ok you might really want to consider the WD Raptor 74GB, they're much faster but much more expensive as well!)


    PSU: Enermax have a good reputation and i've recently bought myself a Enermax Liberty 620W. (and i only buy such expensive things after reading lots of reviews etc.^^)


    Memory: The problem is, that the Opterons - at this time - do not support more than 2 Doublesided modules of memory at a speed of 200MHZ / PC3200 and 1T CommandRate.
    if you want to upgrade later you'd to live with 4 modules - each one with 1 GB Capacity - at a speed of 166MHZ / PC2700 and 2T Commandrate.
    That's not to good for memory-bandwith hungry applications.

    If you don't like that, you would have to buy new 2GB Sticks and put 4 of them into your rig.

    that's why i said you might want to consider buying 8GBs now (1200CHF more expensive or so, i wrote it before)....


    PS: i would be glad to build such a rig - but i'm not sure if i have the time...

    PPS: And BOXX sounds good, too.
    maybe its - in terms of service, warranty etc. - better for you to stick with a retailer... (BoXX or that swiss one).

    Marktplatz Bewertung
    Kiste 1: Sloti 800 TB
    Kiste 2: DLT3C @ 2.6GhZ
    Kiste 7 & Kiste 8: PhII 720BE, 8GB ram. 1x mit X25-m II 80GB & 4870, 1x mit indilinx MLC 32GB

    [SIZE=7]Dieser Beitrag, inkl. vorhandenen Anhängen, ist ungeschützt und könnte während der Übermittlung oder nachträglich von 3. verändert werden. Der Absender schliesst deshalb jede Haftung oder rechtliche Verbindlichkeit für elektronisch versandte Nachrichten aus. Weiter ist der Inhalt des Postings frei erfunden, eventuelle Annäherungen an die Realität sind höchstens unbeabsichtigt und zufällig entstanden. Zu all meinen PCs haben mehrere Leute Zugang und nutzen diesen auch.[/SIZE]

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von BLJ ()

  • Germany has 16% VAT
    Switzerland has 7% VAT

    If you buy something from a german shop, you pay the 16% VAT which are included in the enduser-price. But if they send it to Switzerland, you will have to pay an additional 7% VAT to Swiss custom.

    You can ask the german vendor if he can remove the 16% german VAT from the price you pay. You or your german vendor don't have to pay german VAT if you import the machine to Switzerland.

    If you don't ask him, you will pay too much and getting the money back from german custom afterwards is not easy or impossible.

    It is just a comment in case you didn't know how the VAT thing works.

    A fine is a tax for doing wrong.
    A tax is a fine for doing well.

  • Thanks for the explanation and all the help so far :applaus:cheers

    The thing is that when I configure the system on the US website. The price comes in USD$ and does not include any US taxes. The taxes get calculated based on which US state the PC gets shipped to. I guess taxes vary from one state to anohter in US. Anyway the BOXX dealer will charge me the pre-tax US $$$ price. So it does not include German, US or Swiss tax. I assume I will have to pay the 7% CH tax.

    I will double check with him the 16% German tax part if I go the BOxx way.

    I did a quick calculation to compare the prices... although it's not completely accurate and some parts are slightly different but to get a rough idea-

    Self built system price---> CHF 8500 approximately

    Transtec.Ch----> CHF9000 with 3 year onsite support (I have to send the final configuration to him and he will send me a final quote)

    Boxx---> USD $8300 no taxes---> CHF 10,900 + 7% tax 1278 = CHF 12178 :totlach

    Dalco.ch I am waiting to get a quote from them. I have begged him to use the case and PSU that I want. If they agree and match the price of transtec then I will buy from them. They also provide 3 year on site support.

    Transtec is looking the best option as things stand right now. If Dalco use the case I want and the the PSU and give a reasonable $$$$ then they would be perfect.
    Boxx looked good on paper but I am not rich :schimpf

    EDIT- BLJ I am reading your mail and after digesting the info I waill answer :D

  • Part II of the last mail.

    BLJ you have completely confused me about the memory :rock

    The Tyan MOBO supports this-

    • 128-bit dual channel (interleaved) memory bus
    • Total eight DDR DIMM sockets (four per CPU)
    • Supports up to 16GB of Registered DDR
    • Supports ECC with CHIPKILL Technology
    • Supports DDR 400 / 333 / 266 memory

    So the fastest memory that it can support is DDR 400 right?
    If I buy 4x1GB DDR now and then in the future when Maya comes with a 64bit version I can buy another 4x1GB DDR400 RAM. To have total of 8GB.

    Was your point that by doing this I won't be able to get to the maximum possible for the Tyan MOBO which is 16GB?

    Was your point that I should get 2x2GB DDR400 sticks now so that in the future I can buy 6x2GB DDR400 modules to take the total to the maximum possible for theh MOBO which is 16GB?????

    Sorry I am really confused I think you meant something else :gap